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ALADIN: Download the Aladin.jar file (Linux users only) and execute it from a terminal using “java -jar Aladin.jar”. MacOS and Windows users: download the suitable files here. Aladin is compatible with Java releases from Java release 1.7 to the last one. More information here.
TOPCAT: Download the topcat-full.jar file and execute it from a terminal using “java -jar topcat-full.jar” (Linux and Windows users. For windows users, double-click on the topcat-full.jar file may also work ). MacOS users: download the suitable file here. TOPCAT is written in the Java language using the Java 2 Standard Edition version 8, and should run on any Java SE 8 or more recent system. See the documentation here.
VOSA: Web server (you don't need to install anything). All participants must register in advance.
STILTS: Download the stilts.jar file. MacOS users may need to install JDK to be able to run STILTS. See the documentation here.
Python: The tutorial #4 is designed to be followed using the web service Google Colab, an easy-to-use Jupyter Notebook environment hosted in Google's cloud (no Python installation required in local computer). Requirements: to have a Google account and download and extract the files included in VOpython_data.zip. Please, do it before the tutorial.
For the participants who would like to follow the tutorial in their own Python & Jupyter Notebook environment, the requirements_oct22.txt file includes the Python packages that need to be installed before the tutorial. Using pip, you can install the packages using the command "pip install -r requirements.txt" (when the packages are installed, please check the import cell of the notebook is working). If you experience problems when installing the Python packages in your own environment, please, contact pmas@cab.inta-csic.es. For a correct developement of the school, we encourage all participants to test Aladin, TOPCAT and STILTS following this short video and using this file.
Day 1. Friday 28 October (09:15h - 14:00h)
09:15 - 09:30 Reception of participants. Check that everything (zoom, video, audio,...) is working well.
09:30 - 10:00 Introduction to VO and the School (Enrique Solano). The recorded presentation can be found here.
10:00 - 11:50 Tutorial #1: Discovery of Brown Dwarfs mining the 2MASS and SDSS databases using Aladin (PDF). The recorded session can be found here.
10:00 - 10:10 Presentation of the science case. Introduction to Aladin.
10:10 - 11:50 Hands-on activity by participant
VO-tools: Aladin
Auxiliary files:
Host: Patricia Cruz
Tutor: Francisco Jiménez
Backup tutors: Miriam Cortés, P. Mas, Raquel Murillo, Ricardo Rizzo
11:50 - 12:10 Break
12:10 - 14:00 Tutorial #2: Determination of the distance to the Pleiades cluster using TOPCAT (PDF). The recorded session can be found here.
12:10 - 12:20 Presentation of the science case. Introduction to TOPCAT. (PDF)
12:20 - 14:00 Hands-on activity by participants
VO-tools: TOPCAT
Host: Patricia Cruz
Tutor: Ricardo Rizzo
Backup tutors: Alba Aller, M. Cruz Gálvez, Raquel Murillo, Francisco Jiménez
The questions & answers exchanged in the chat can be found here
Day 2. Friday 4 November (09:15 - 14:00h)
09:15 - 09:30 Reception of participants. Check that everything (zoom, video, audio,...) is working well.
09:30 - 11:20 Tutorial #3: Determination of stellar physical parameters using VOSA (PDF). The recorded session can be found here.
09:30 - 09:40 Presentation of the science case.
09:40 - 11:20 Hands-on activity by participants
VO-tools: VOSA
Auxiliary files
Host: Patricia Cruz
Tutor: Alba Aller
Backup tutors: Miriam Cortés, Raquel Murillo, Enrique Solano
11:20 - 11:40 Break
11:40 - 13:30 Tutorial #4: VO with Python: working with PyVO and MOCPy. The recorded session can be found here.
Host: Patricia Cruz
Tutor: Pedro Mas
Backup tutors: Miriam Cortés, Ricardo Rizzo, M. Cruz Gálvez, Raquel Murillo
13:30 - 14:00 Feedback and open time for discussion (Enrique Solano)
The questions & answers exchanged in the chat can be found here
Bonus material:
Exploring Gaia with TOPCAT and STILTS (PDF)
TOPCAT and Gaia DR3 (PDF)
Transient events exploration (PDF)
Auxiliary file: hrdiagram_dr3.xml
Introduction to ADQL (PDF)
Discovery of Brown Dwarfs mining the 2MASS and SDSS databases using ADQL and TAP (PDF)
The CDS tutorial (PDF)
The CDS tutorial using Jupyter notebooks
Other VO tools and services (PDF)